Friday, 13 March 2009

Wow - it's Friday already - where did this week go! We were off on Tuesday due to other commitments. Kev would like me to point out that he painted all the white bits on Wednesday, but unfortunately they don't show up very well on a photograph - but I can vouch for the fact that he worked very hard and it has made a tremendous difference.

On Thursday Kev painted the rest of the floors. He was there well into the evening to get the work finished so it had a chance of drying overnight. The difference the colour makes is amazing. The space has really come together now. This is the display space. It's all very empty at the moment!

The space has started to flow as one connected area and I am really looking forward to dressing it next week. For me this week has been admin, admin and some more admin. I have to say a big thank you to the lovely lady I spoke to at the Council today. She managed to work out that we were actually able to get rates relief until April - how amazing is that - someone who isn't shouting for money!!!!

Here we are looking through the central area to the main entrance. The frame is going to be fitted in the next few weeks. This will change the space again. It's only two weeks until our wedding exhibition at Elgin Town Hall. Much of this week has been spent updating the website at The website is looking really good now and as an event it is starting to come together.

The Wedding Room will stay red and white. Hopefully it will be a romantic change from the rest of the building which is very functional. It's been a busy week, but I think the biggest changes from the outside looking in will happen next week when stock starts going on the shelves and the units are in place.

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